—Poem-a-Day, Academy of American Poets, Spring 2019
“The Long Now”
—Territory, Summer 2018
—Poem-a-Day, Academy of American Poets, Fall 2015
—Verse Daily, Fall 2015
“Middle Flight”
—The Awl, Fall 2015
"Aphelion," "Earthquake" & "Endangerment Finding"
—Brooklyn Quarterly, Fall 2015
—The Awl, Spring 2015
“Natural History”
—At Length, Spring 2015
“White Matter”
—Southeast Review, Winter 2014
—Guernica, Winter 2014
“At Home” & “At Sea”
—Drunken Boat, Winter 2013
—Everyday Genius, Fall 2012
“Fear” & “Yellowjackets”
—Tin House, Spring 2011
“Flight Distance,” “Tornado” & “Wildfire”
—The Awl, Fall 2010
—Painted Bride Quarterly, Spring 2010
—Painted Bride Quarterly, Spring 2006
“Provisions” on reading Neruda during quarantine —Jewish Currents, Summer 2020
“24 Hours in Ohio” a post-election day diary
—Good, Fall 2016
“First Books After Forty” a conversation with poet Michael Morse
—The Rumpus, Spring 2016
“Falling Overboard” on the sinking of the Tall Ship Bounty in Hurricane Sandy
—Paris Review, Fall 2012
“Misfit & Starlet” a conversation with poet Tina Chang
—Bomb, Winter 2012
“Holdfast” a commissioned musical adaption composed by Matthew Recio of Robin Beth Schaer's poem “Holdfast”
—performed by Stare at the Sun, Chicago, IL, Fall 2021
"All Things Are Number" a collaboration with artist Leslie Baum for her "Night Brings Day / Day Brings Night" collection
—Heaven Gallery, Chicago, Spring 2018
—Spertus Institute, Chicago, Summer 2018
LESLie Baum installing "All Things Are Number" at heaven gallery, chicago
"Messenger" a poem illustrated by artist Leslie Baum
—Guernica, Spring 2015
Excerpt from "Messenger" by leslie Baum & robin beth schaer