Panel Discussion at AWP Conference
1:45 PM13:45

Panel Discussion at AWP Conference

“Our Own Name: Writing Jewishness Beyond Zionism, Assimilation & Fear” with Robin Beth Schaer, Moriel Rothman-Zecher, Irina Reyn, Courtney Zoffness and Jennifer Gilmore. How can contemporary poetry and prose trouble and disrupt associations, conflations, and assumptions about Jewish identity? In this panel, a diverse group of Jewish writers will grapple with the possibilities and limitations of writing about diasporic Jewish lives — beyond stereotype, assimilation, and Zionism. They will explore urgent and shifting questions about intention and audience for work that reflects the multiplicity of Jewish experience and confronts the weaponization of antisemitism. As part of the annual conference Association of Writers & Writing Programs. Room 405, Los Angeles Convention Center, Level Two.

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AWP Reading Dorothy, Rescue Press, FC2, CSU Press, CWRU
7:30 PM19:30

AWP Reading Dorothy, Rescue Press, FC2, CSU Press, CWRU

An off-site literary reading at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Conference with authors representing Dorothy, Rescue Press, Fiction Collective 2, Cleveland State University Press, and Case Western Reserve University. Readers include Caren Beilin, Robin Beth Schaer, Lindsay Turner, and others.

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