Long Poems & Book-Length Projects
An Incomplete List in No Particular Order
Originally created for the AWP 2018 Panel "Into the Expanse: Reinventing the Contemporary Long Poem"
by Marianne Boruch, Sumita Chakraborty, Lindsay Garbutt, Deborah Landau, Don Share, and Robin Beth Schaer
Basil Bunting, Briggflatts
Ronald Johnson, Ark
Gwendolyn Brooks, Annie Allen
Louis Zukofsky, “A”
Caroline Bergvall, Drift
Gertrude Stein, Stanzas in Meditation
Aimé Césaire, Notebook of a Return to the Native Land
Roger Reeves, “Domestic Violence”
Joy Harjo, “Becoming Seventy”
Terrance Hayes, American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassin
John Ashbery, “Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror”
Anne Carson, “The Glass Essay”
Ron Silliman, Revelator and The Alphabet
Ezra Pound, Cantos
William Carlos Williams, Paterson and "Asphodel, that Greeny Flower"
Charles Olson, The Maximus Poems
A.R. Ammons, Tape for the Turn of the Year and Sphere
John Ashbery, Flow Chart
TS Eliot, Four Quartets, “Prufrock,” and “The Waste Land”
Frank Stanford, The Battlefield Where The Moon Says I Love You
Derek Walcott, Omeros
Kenneth Koch, Ko, or A Season on Earth; The Duplications; Seasons on Earth
James Merrill, The Changing Light at Sandover
H.D., Helen in Egypt & Trilogy
Ed Dorn, Slinger
Saul Williams, said the shotgun to the head
Paul Muldoon, Madoc
M. NourbeSe Philip, Zong!
Gerard Manley Hopkins, "The Wreck of the Deutschland"
Tom Andrews, “Codeine Diary”
Maureen McLane, Mz N: the serial: A Poem-in-Episodes
Nuar Alsadir, Fourth Person Singular
Layli Long Soldier, “Whereas Statements”
Brenda Shaughnessy, “Our Andromeda”
James Schuyler, Morning of the Poem
John Milton, “Lycidas”
Walt Whitman, “The Sleepers”
Brigit Pegeen Kelly, “Three Cows & the Moon”
Ellen Bryant Voigt, Kyrie
Adrienne Rich, “Twenty-One Love Poems”
Anne Sexton “Eighteen Days without You,”
Monica Youn, Blackacre
Claudia Rankine, Citizen
Danez Smith, “summer, somewhere”
Frank Bidart, “The Third Hour of the Night”
Alice Oswald’s Memorial and Dart
Rachel Zucker, Museum of Accidents
Erika Meitner, “Dollar General”
Robyn Schiff, “Gate”
Feel free to send additional suggestions and comments to robinschaer@gmail.com